Hi friends,

I came up with a new article. So in my college in Digital Design we were given the project to design and simulate a 32 bit MISP(Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages)  ALU(Arithmetic and Logic Unit). ALU is the generally the component of the CPU which deals with logical and mathematical decisions to be taken by CPU.

Picture of the final ALU.
(Download it to Zoom it)

So here I have made a design of 32 bit MIPS ALU. I have made this in a simulation software called Logisim which can be downloaded from link provided here:-



The ALU can be downloaded from the link provided here:-



In this Zip you will find:-
1). The main designed circuit .circ extension(open in Logisim)(in this ALU32 Sub circuit is main).
2).The Readme showing the no of transistor used in this ALU and also the critical path.
3).The original assignment assigned to us.
4).The Design documentation explaining the circuit.
5).The text file showing formula to calculate the transistor in any digital circuit(imp).

First read the Assignment then go to circuit.

This ALU have 3322 transistors and 72 unit Critical path(The last 16 x 4 Multiplexer's transistor is not included according to the Assignment).

Hope it would be useful to you.

If any doubts or suggestion, then write as Comments or email me at following E-mail ID,

My Email ID :-deepcpatel@yahoo.in

Please give us suggestion to improve this blog.

Happy learning,



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